Come to the River ministry partners with Randall Froude, internationally acclaimed New Zealand artist and teacher. His painting, featured on our website banner, is symbolic of what the ministry is about.
Randel’s tells the story of inspiration he received…
“While sitting in church one Sunday, God virtually gave the whole concept for ‘River Without End’ to me, complete with briefing on where to find this river. I believe the river covers two realms, both natural and spiritual, it is the river of God’s provision.
Ezekiel 47:1-10 describes this river, in particular verse 9 ‘everything shall live where the river comes’. There is no measure to the river of God’s Holy Spirit flow, through His people, if we will let Him.
To me the river is not unlike a persons life; it has many areas, some just a trickle, some a raging torrent, and deep and tranquil pools, but with all this there is abundant life where the river flows.”
The painting and prints are a result of a clear direction from God for Randall to produce them in order to raise funds to support those in need.
Prints are available at or 0508 000 717 for $50 each plus $7 postage and packing. All proceeds go to the Hope Project and Rhema Media.
You can contact Randel at:
03 685 8531 or 027 303 2911 or ranzart1(at)