Men’s Support Group
The founding of the Men’s Support Group came from being overwhelmed by the number of men who were coming for prayer for their healing needs in all four main areas of healing: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing including salvation and deliverance. And help with marriage issues!
A number of the men were sent by counsellors who recognised that that they had more than just cognitive and behavioural issues that needed dealing with!
Michael realised he could not keep up with the demand, and did not have any help. So on the 20th March 2018, the support group was launched, and hands-on training began in an atmosphere of love, fellowship, praise and worship, followed by teaching and instruction, a time of ministry at the Cross; and under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, with the laying on of hands men were receiving their healing, and also learning how to pray for others.
Over the time by word-of-mouth there have been around 60 men who have come to the meetings. There are a core of around 22 men, with a team of six leaders including Michael, who gather at 7pm. Every second Tuesday night.
The men come from about nine different denominations and fellowships. The meetings are currently being held at the NPBC Baptist Church in the suburb of Whitby out of Wellington in New Zealand.